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2017 USDGA Legislative Policy Priorities



USDGA supports following in order to maintain a balanced package of policies that provide favorable conditions for durum production


1. PROFITABLE PRODUCTION – To ensure farmers are able to effectively produce and transport       their crops, USDGA supports:

a)  Reciprocity of fuel tax registration, licensing and axel weights between bordering states          for farmers hauling their own agricultural production.

b)  Protection of landowner rights, proper reclamation and responsible development of                agricultural lands

c)  Chemical harmonization to ensure food safety, food security, and to harmonize price and        availability

d)  Coexistence of commercial, traditional, and organic practices


2. FAVORABLE MARKET CONDITIONS – To provide equitable market conditions for durum producers, USDGA supports:

a)  Accuracy and repeatability of all tests to ensure the fairness of discounts and pricing to          the producer

b)  Increased funding for the North Dakota Credit-Sale Contract Indemnity Fund

c)  Reasonable rates and consistent, timely service for all grain shippers of all sizes on all rail      lines


3. INNOVATIVE RESEARCH – To ensure the viability of durum production for future generations, USDGA supports:

a)  Equitable funding for durum and wheat research

b)  Research, development and release of new varieties for public seed stocks program

c)  Maintaining updated seed processing facilities at the research extension centers

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